Are most economists naive?
Monday, June 11, 2007
The conclusion that most economists are naive, sometimes dangerously so, is something that has been hinted around at here for years, but now that the Wall Street Journal seems to concur, maybe it's time to stop asking the question and just say it.
Most economists are naive.
Or, maybe they're just too optimistic. Actually, in many cases, the two adjectives describe the same phenomenon - the willingness to suspend belief that something bad is likely to happen (or is already happening) due to a lack of real-world experience.
Merriam-Webster defines the word thusly:2 a : deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment; especially : CREDULOUS
The nation's housing market is a perfect example of how this naïveté can be dangerous and, more importantly, expensive. Anyone listening to a raft of predictions last summer or fall regarding the future course of the housing boom, and then taking the plunge after rosy talk of an imminent rebound would be sorely disappointed today.
2 b : not previously subjected to experimentation or a particular situation
David Lereah, the recently departed and much-discredited chief economist at the National Association of Realtors, serves as a prime example of this.
There seem to be far too many practitioners of the dismal science who simply look at numbers or charts then err on the side of optimism, failing to consider that the numbers and charts represent real people in the real world with all their real faults and real emotions.
The fact that we now live in a world where speculative bubbles are more the rule than the exception does not make their job any easier.
Two stories in the Saturday edition of the Wall Street Journal make this case rather well. Sadly, both are behind the subscription wall, but it really isn't necessary to do much more than read the headline to understand the message.Economists See Housing Slump Enduring Longer
Surprised indeed.
Downturn Is Expected To Keep Growth Tepid
Economists are giving up on the idea that the U.S. housing slump will be quick and relatively painless.Instead, more are concluding, the downturn that began nearly two years ago will last at least through the end of 2007, remaining a major drag on the U.S. economy. The culprits: a glut of homes for sale and growing caution among lenders who now regret being so free with their mortgages during the boom.
Late last year, some economists were saying the market would start bouncing back by the middle of 2007. That hasn't happened, partly because inventories of unsold houses have continued to grow and a surge in mortgage defaults has made lenders much more reluctant to grant credit to people with spotty payment histories.
David Resler, chief economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. in New York, says he is surprised by the degree to which speculation caused builders to overestimate demand, leaving a glut of houses and condominiums.
All Mr. Resler had to do was talk to a few prospective condo buyers camped out in front of sales offices around the country in 2004 or spend an afternoon observing the goings-on at the office of a subprime mortgage broker to understand what was really happening.
And, speaking of "subprime", which by now must be a candidate for addition to Merriam Webster in 2008, the world's most famous contemporary economist was in the news again over the weekend.Did Greenspan Add to Subprime Woes?
All of this makes me think that comments by your humble scribe appearing in BusinessWeek last year about economists and wedgies offered an excellent insight into this matter:
Gramlich Says Ex-Colleague Blocked Crackdown On Predatory Lenders Despite Growing Concerns
Alan Greenspan was arguably the country's most powerful financial cop in his 18 years as chairman of the Federal Reserve. But Mr. Greenspan's regulatory record has received far less scrutiny than his management of the economy.That may be changing. A former colleague says Mr. Greenspan blocked a proposal to increase scrutiny of subprime lenders under the Fed's broad authority. That added scrutiny might have helped curtail questionable lending practices now blamed for soaring defaults by mostly low-income borrowers. Democrats in Congress are now turning up the heat on regulators, especially the Fed, for failing to do more to stamp out those practices, and the Fed appears increasingly likely to overhaul its approach.
Edward Gramlich, who was Fed governor from 1997 to 2005, said he proposed to Mr. Greenspan in or around 2000, when predatory lending was a growing concern, that the Fed use its discretionary authority to send examiners into the offices of consumer-finance lenders that were units of Fed-regulated bank holding companies.
"I would have liked the Fed to be a leader" in cracking down on predatory lending, Mr. Gramlich, now a scholar at the Urban Institute, said in an interview this past week. Knowing it would be controversial with Mr. Greenspan, whose deregulatory philosophy is well known, Mr. Gramlich broached it to him personally rather than take it to the full board.
"He was opposed to it, so I didn't really pursue it," says Mr. Gramlich, a Democrat who was one of seven Fed governors.Do I Deserve a Wedgie?
The topic back then was dark matter - the elusive substance that explains how laid off manufacturing workers shouldn't feel so bad.
By Michael Mandel
Seeing that Mike Mandel and Chris Farrell are two of the authors goes a long way in understanding what it's about.... Both of these guys are so far out of touch with Main Street -- one of these days some laid-off worker is going to give both of them a wedgie. --Tim Iacono, commenting on
Fast-forward to mid-2007 and a case could be made that David Lereah might someday soon become uncomfortable in his nether regions were he to meet up with a truck driver who is now upside down on his late-2006 condo purchase after heeding the economist's advice.
Its the nature of the beast:
They try to predict the unpredictable, rely on data that is sketchy at best, and have an inherent bias due to their clients' fee-based predilections.
Its well known that even an accurate forecast of a recession is a career killer (except for Academics, like Shiller and Roubini).
I'm an economics professor (as surprising as it sounds, I read TMTGM regularly and occasionally comment anonymously), and I can assure you that the naivete and uber-optimism in my profession are not confined to Wall Street.
I've always suspected that there were at least a few of you out there reading this ;)
I don't think that naivete' is limited to economists. Anytime a professional has an affiliation or bias, it shows up in their conclusions. Thus we have scientists who say smoking is safe, global warming is a myth, and abstinence education works.
In my profession forensic psychiatrists are usually employed by both sides of a criminal case reaching diametrically opposed diagnosis.
And so it goes ....
Consider the source. Always.
Its not so much that they are naive. It's their methodology. Somewhere along the line, in an effort to defend their discipline as a science, they took a vow of empiricism. "If you can't regress it, you can't say it," became their rallying call. Only this morphed into "if you regress it, it must be predictive." So they suspended common sense, mined historical data, and drew conclusions based on their econometric analyses. Only they don't ever seem to ask if the data sets (the last ten year's worth of mortgage defaults?) are vaild, or if correlations (unemployment drives subprime defaults?) stand up to the test of reason.
geez - give these guys a break
they're the ones that couldn't or wouldn't go into a hard science - kind of like baseball statisticians
In the case of someone like Greenspan or Lereah, I think it's calculated. Even if they see the down-side building up, they have a vested interest in downplaying it.
For the rest, I think it's a form of ass covering to stay with the herd. If "everybody" says the real estate market will remain strong except one guy, that guy will get all sorts of scrutiny and if he's wrong or even partially wrong, he'll be derided and scorned by his peers. Whereas if he says what everyone else is saying, when it turns out they were all wrong there's no accountability because "nobody saw it coming".
here is the "free" WSJ link
They're not so much "naive" as they are willfully separated from reality by their own elitism.
By their measure of reality, the economy is doing well when they're getting a good return on their stock portfolio. Why should it matter to them when construction workers are getting undercut by illegally employed immigrants, or when hordes of well educated engineers get their jobs shipped to India? As long as their 401k is doing well, they're happy. How else would you expect them to measure the economy?
IMO their biggest failures stem from assuming rational behavior from irrational participants. You simply can't apply cold logic to markets ruled by mass psychology.
The problem with eocnomists along with all other groups that give advice is that there is a lot of difference between watching the game and playing the game.
When "your" skin is in the game, you begin to take a much more realistic view about what a loss means to you.
Also I agree with tj & the bear: failures stem from assuming rational behavior from irrational participants.
I have no desire to defend the economists with whom I compete. But it is the pessimists who have been spectacularly wrong. Roubini had a 70% probability of recession for 2006, and then went silent. Strange you would cite him as non-naive. I would say you are not empirical. I don't know if you are naive, but you do have a bearish bias, clearly.
I don't think I've ever said that about Roubini - you may be referring to the first comment above.
Well, you're not empirical either - so there.
I'm bearish on the long-term economic outlook in the U.S., based as it is on the current liquidity juggernaut.
I'm very bullish on things that move inversely to the U.S. dollar such as commodities.
If Arbitration is just so wonderfull, then why is it forced on us?
The first night in our new home, my husband decided to try out his new Jacuzzi tub on the third floor. When he pulled the plug, one hundred gallons of water crashed through our dining room ceiling. This was not one overlooked plumbing connection, as my husband so desperately wanted to believe. It was a preview of coming attractions.
Our builder . They would seal up the windows on the inside so the water wouldn't come in, and then they would seal up the cracks in the outside stucco so the water wouldn't run out. So, the walls just filled up with water and mold..
We had the mold tested by an accredited laboratory, and they said they had never seen toxic readings that high in an inhabited dwelling. Prior to this, we had not mentioned the nosebleeds, headaches, the swollen eyes, and the sinus infections because we had seen how people were treated. Their defects were dismissed because the homebuyers were crazy hypochondriacs.
Our builder Tremont Homes/ Stature Construction Company knew how defective our house was, so they took out some insurance. They added a binding arbitration clause to our earnest money contract.
According to arbitration clauses, any dispute past, present, or future puts the builder in a fail-safe position... and the homeowner forever in jeopardy. We have lost our right to a trial by jury, our seventh amendment rights that we thought were guaranteed under the constitution; and now many of us are being frightened into giving up our first (freedom of speech).
The builders can force us into arbitration by simply calling us disputes, which we most certainly all are. We are supposed to buy and shut up; or after we have signed this consumer-cursed clause, we are in impending danger. Many of us now understand arbitration, and would advise any homeowner to avoid it like the plague. Foreclosure is not as painful, abborrant, or as humiliating as binding arbitration.
Arbitration is like a jail sentence: your possessions and money are taken from you; others have complete control over your lives. You are forced in legal handcuffs into a secret kangaroo court held behind closed doors and the rules of law no longer apply. No one will know what happens to you. It will just be your word against the builder.
Arbitration is used to victimize and silence what these builders are doing. If you do not complain... or try to get your house repaired, or just let it go into foreclosure... then you can escape arbitration, and you will avoid being raped again. Raped again ...that was what a woman from Milford Ohio called arbitration last week... she is 82 years old.
You are guilty until you prove your innocence; the entire burden of proof is on you, the homeowner. Everything you have ever known; it is upside down. The perpetrator has been allowed to file on the victim. This is like sending a small child into a room of sexual predators without supervision.
Why would anyone ever chose to go behind closed doors without a clue as to what was going to happen to them... knowing whatever ridiculous decision was rendered... it would not-only be upheld by the court... but there would be no appeal!
Most victims of arbitration come out in shock; many are under gag orders, referred to as secrecy agreements so they cannot tell what has been done to them.
There are lots and lots of advertisements by the builders in the Houston Chronicle. Strange, how they overlooked the Judiciary Hearing on arbitration clauses - Tuesday, June 12, 2007...where a Houstonian received an invitation to testify before a subcommittee of the United States Congress, on the effects of binding arbitration on the consumer. Read that testimony at Written Testimony Submitted by Jordan Fogal (,
There are two bills that have been introduced in the House relating to Binding Arbitration and the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA): HR 1443 (Consumer Fairness Act of 2007) and HR 1519 (American Homebuyers Protection Act).
The hearing at which Jordan testified, was a preliminary, informative hearing on how Binding Arbitration affects consumers. It may have been a prerequisite to pass these bills. If the sub-committee endorses these bills, they will then go to the House floor for passage, then on to the Senate.
We are asking that people who have had adverse experiences with Binding Arbitration to, please submit your complaints via GiveMeBackMyRights - Tell Us Your BMA Horror Stories (
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