Guess the year-end price of oil and gold!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
There is one week before entries close for the "Guess the price of oil and gold" contest. There's been little movement from last week when the third edition of this contest began.Crude oil has moved from $81 to $80 and gold from $734 to $728 - the chart above shows the movement in both commodities since the last contest concluded in June.
The individual guessing nearest to the closing prices on December 31st will win a free one-year subscription to the companion investment website Iacono Research.
Entries may be made either by posting them in the comments section of this post or by sending mail to either or All entries must be received no later than October 10th - one week from today.
There will be a final reminder here next Wednesday and current subscribers can win a free one-year extension to their existing subscription.
Good luck to all!
Gold: $750.00
Oil: $85.00
OK, why not--
$793 and $81
Gold $800
Oil $80
Gold: $805
Oil: $93
Oil: $78
Gold: $730
Gold 532
Oil 61
Gold $825
Oil $90
Oil $88.04
Gold 768.25
Subscription in electronic format please because I can't open the letterbox with my beak.
Oil: $98
Gold: $850
Gold $900
Oil $85
OK, lets try:
Gold: $791
Oil: $92
gold $840
oil $84
Future comments on this post are now disabled and I'll have all the entries tabulated in a day or two.
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