Oil and gold contest update #5
Friday, December 14, 2007
As was the case two weeks ago, there has again been little movement in the price of oil and gold in the latest update to the "Guess the Year-End Price of Oil and Gold" contest.With crude oil finishing the week at $91.35 per barrel and gold ending at $793.10 per ounce, this now leaves bBdaBeerman (a software engineer? "b" for binary? oh dear, a horrible flashback!) partially obscured in the graphic above, as was the case for lower case "cp" two weeks ago.
Rounding out the top five are IIO, SC, and Vespucian - wait - make that, "rounding out the top six" with TJ & the Bear in the number six spot. Your humble scribe is currently in eighth place with guesses of $87 for oil and $810 for gold. For the entire list of guesses see this post from October.
Note that a final determination has not yet been made as to exactly how the winner will be determined - that college intern who was researching the subject for me didn't exactly work out. He said something about "root mean square" as he left - I'll have to go through the notes he left behind.
From here on out the excitement will build to feverish heights with another update next Friday followed by one more update on December 28th with the winner to be announced on New Years Eve.
Remember that the lucky winner will receive a free one year subscription to Iacono Research where the model portfolio again gave back some of its hefty year-to-date gains this week but still sports almost a 20 percent increase for 2007.
To learn more about investing in natural resources using commonly traded ETFs, stocks, and mutual funds, see this description at Iacono Research. Or, sign up for a free trial.
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