Just eleven days away ...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The New York Hard Assets Investment Conference is just eleven days away! The schedule has been pretty much finalized - the important parts are excerpted below:

Click to enlarge

The conference starts on Monday, but I won't be speaking until Tuesday. I'm on a panel at 8:30 hosted by Al Korelin - Causes and Consequences of the Credit Crisis.

I have a pretty good idea whose name will come up.

Then everyone will sit and listen to Dennis Gartman talk about oil and gold. Since the long-time newsletter writer famously announced that he'd sold all his gold a week or two ago, it should be interesting to hear what he has to say to an audience that likely hasn't sold theirs.

Attendees will hopefully be cheered back up again by Dr. Martin Murenbeeld who will offer some bullish thoughts on the metal.

At 10:30, I'll be conducting one of four "Masterclasses" that run in parallel for a half-hour. The title of my presentation is "Buy the Stocks, or Buy the Commodities?" and, this week, I feel fortunate to have been kept busy preparing it so as not to have too much idle time to think about the latter.

You can still register at no charge if you are interested in attending. Click here for info.

As reader Chet reminded me via email earlier today, on its current trajectory, gold will be about $750 by the time the conference kicks off.

Thanks Chet.

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Dan said...

I've attended too many of these type conferences in my time... won't be there... but hey man... sell more subscriptions!

really, you deserve it!

Tim said...

Thanks - it should be interesting.


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