Tuesday morning links

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paulson Plan May Push National Debt to Post-World War II Levels - Bloomberg
Echoes of Iraq in Bush handling of mortgage crisis - MarketWatch
Rescue Plan Sows Seeds of New Kind of Capitalism - Bloomberg
Millions spend half of income on housing - AP
Hill Clashes on Rescue Plan; Dollar Drags Down Markets - Washington Post
The Great Triumvirate who run the global economy - Commodity Online
A Fund to Rival Those of Other Governments - NY Times

Currency's Dive Points to Further Pain - Washington Post
Oil falls toward $108 as traders mull bailout plan - AP
Gold slips on profit taking as dollar recovers - Reuters
Oil's jump makes history, but true test is yet to come - MarketWatch

More to Fear in World of Retirees - NY Times
Baby Boomers Delay Retirement - WSJ
Consumers Cut Health Spending, As Economic Downturn Takes Toll - WSJ

More Americans strain to meet housing costs - Bloomberg
Housing crisis has spread to well-to-do - Indystar
`Paranoid' Mall Baron Lowy Anticipated Slump, Now Fights Taxman - Bloomberg

Fed chief urges quick action to avert 'serious consequences' - USA Today
U.S. May Find Painful Parallels in 1990s Nordic Banking Bailout - Bloomberg
Ross says Fed actions don't address root - Reuters
Paulson Debt Plan May Benefit Mostly Goldman, Morgan - Bloomberg

Mortgage approvals fall to record low - Telegraph UK
European Services, Manufacturing Contract Further - Bloomberg
Inflation rate soars to 3.5% in August - Globe & Mail
Solbes Sees Lower ECB Interest Rates as Growth Slows - Bloomberg
G-7 Pledges `Whatever' Needed to Aid Markets, Splits on Bailout - Bloomberg

Financial industry's campaign donations could help it in bailout - LA Times
Credit crunch sends shivers across nanny market - Reuters

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