Comments, questions about the new layout?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Here's your chance - fire away. At least I didn't try to change the name this time ;>


Anonymous said...

nice and clean... it was starting to look a little like my garage... good work

Tim said...

Ouch! I guess I deserved that...

Anonymous said...

I liked how "Read More..." would expand instead of going to a new page.

Tim said...

Yeah, that was pretty cool - I'll have to see if I can work that in somehow when I'm all done with the changes.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Neuroaz...I kinda like expansion within the same page....other than that I think it looks pretty sharp!

Dan said...

I liked the asynchronous Javascript, but this layout is cleaner.

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

almonds said...

needs same page expansion of ...,more
Great site!

Anonymous said...

Loads quicker than the old site on my Mac.

Anonymous said...

The INO TV ad in the RSS feed is annoying, it ends up making the width of the article much wider than necessary, often having me scroll left & right to read an article in my mail program. :( Any chance of getting rid of the INO TV ad or getting a narrower one in the RSS feed?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Tim (I'm the anonymous above asking about the width of the ad in the RSS feed, not the other one).


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