Monday morning links

Monday, October 13, 2008

Governments bail out banks, UK wants new Bretton Woods - Reuters
Japan May Want to Buy Gold, Not Morgan Stanley - Bloomberg
The Sky Falls on Wall Street - BusinessWeek
Ten people who predicted the financial meltdown - TimesOnline
Is the era of easy credit over for the long haul? - AP
Jim Rogers sees Inflationary Holocaust - GoldSeek
Where did all that 'lost' money go? - MSNB

Gold rises as dollar weakens, commodities recover - Reuters
OPEC to IMF: Bearish oil market to persist - MaketWatch
Commodity Rout Far From Ended as Recession Approaches - Bloomberg
Austria witnesses new gold rush - BBC
Veteran advisers think it will pass ... eventually - MarketWatch

Economic signs pointing down - MarketWatch
Congress may propose a second stimulus plan - AP
Gas prices drop sharply across U.S. - USAToday
Paul Krugman wins Nobel prize in economics - MarketWatch
The next bailout: Your adult children? - Wall Street Journal

Now Is Not a Bad Time to Invest in Real Estate - Washington Post
Some home sellers are lenders too - MarketWatch
America's luxury foreclosure capitals - Forbes
Not So Wonderful Now - Washington Post

Fed Releases Flood of Dollars, Market Rates Fall - Bloomberg
US moves to get $700B bank rescue effort started - AP
Four Magic Words: "We Are Providing Capital" - John Hussman
Woman Silenced by Greenspan, Rubin and Summers - Alternet

European central banks to offer unlimited dollar liquidity - MarketWatch
FTSE 100 rebounds with £37bn of help from the Government - Telegraph
How the banking bail-out works - Guardian
China looking inward as foreign economies slow - AP
Iceland's economic crash hit fast and hard - USAToday

U.S. Troops Deployed, Ready for "Crowd Control" - Information Clearinghouse
In Manhattan, $250,000 Isn't Rich - BusinessWeek

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