Sunday morning links

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Geithner says U.S. ready to aid auto restructuring - Reuters
G20 marches begin week of protests in Europe - Reuters
Will the world run out of gold? - Commodity Online
Bank plan a cure-all? Don't bet on it - MSN Money
Reviving the shadow banking system - Globe & Mail
Is there any gold inside Fort Knox? - TimesOnline
Markets again bet the worst is past - LA Times
Revisiting the Global Savings Glut Thesis - Prudent Bear

Now the Long Run Looks Riskier, Too - NY Times
Bullish Silver: The rise and run of silver prices - Commodity Online
U.S. stock rally to be tested by jobs, earnings, G20 - MarketWatch
Stocks Seen Through a Wide-Angle Lens - Barron's
Emerging-market equity funds receive big inflows - MarketWatch
Investors agonize: Is it time to get back into stocks? - LA Times

Preview: Joblessness Probably Rose to 25-Year High - Bloomberg
Florida unemployment rate hits 9.4 percent - Miami Herald
Q1 GDP will be Ugly - Calculated Risk
Saving Money is Bad for the Economy - MyBudget360
Jobless Rate Exceeds 10% in Three More U.S. States - Bloomberg

Call for global currency wins int'l backing - CHINADaily
It's time to admit inflation is going to be a major problem - Telegraph
George Soros: Britain may have to seek IMF rescue - TimesOnline
German chancellor opposes stimulus spending - MarketWatch
Obama Will Face a Defiant World on Foreign Visit - NY Times
China has room to reduce interest rates - report - MarketWatch
South Africa Reserve Bank to hoard gold - iAfrica
New reserve currency idea needs work-German minister - Reuters

Confused in California - CNN/Money
Housing Recovery? What Housing Recovery? - Minyanville
Fed’s MBS Purchases Up from Last Week - HousingWire
Why Are These Renters Smiling? - NY Times

Money creation and the Fed - EconBrowser
Bankers: Take your TARP money back - CNN/Money
BofA May Increase Salaries for Investment Bankers - Bloomberg
Alan Greenspan's Disingenuous Financial Times Comment - Naked Capitalism

Another AIG Exec Freaks Out, Starts A Blog - ClusterStock
Goldman Bailed Out 2 Executives - NY Times
Bernie Madoff on a baseball card - AP



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