Uh ... my index went up
Friday, March 13, 2009
While visiting Southern California last weekend, I was fortunate enough to have a game with some old golf buddies in Ventura County. I had played only once in the last four months and infrequently over the last two or three years, but that didn't stop me from raising a few eyebrows at the start.My index had risen from about eight a few years back to 13 while playing at the golf course across the street, but I don't think the rest of the foursome believed that for a minute after the first three holes.
There's just something about "2's" on a scorecard that keeps you coming back...
Unfortunately, I missed three five foot putts over the last five holes and went from one-under to four-over in the process. A score starting with an "8" would have been good enough for me, but it turned out to be a good deal lower.If I do happen to get down that way again for another round, they'll probably want me to play as something below a 13 index.
Just promise us that you won't give up blogging and join the pro tour.
Did you play from the white box?
Yes - my first time on this course with the four new holes.
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