Easter Sunday links

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Market rally could trip over the bottom line - AP
Credit Suisse starts shutting U.S. offshore accounts - Reuters
Investments Can Yield More on K Street, Study Indicates - Wash. Post
China's twin-pronged strategy on commodities - Commodity Online
Is That Recovery We See? - Mauldin, SafeHaven
Crisis Altering Wall Street as Big Banks Lose Top Talent - NY Times
Obama Stakes His Fortunes on Failed Banksters - Bloomberg
Up from the abyss - LA Times

Wall Street: Bracing for profit shock - CNN/Money
Gold is an undervalued asset held by IMF - Commodity Online
Target-date retirement funds: Not quite 'set it and forget it' - LA Times
Investing Rules Remade for the Post-Crisis Era* - Wash. Post
Demand for oil drops as outlook for G7 remains grim - Guardian
He Doesn’t Let Money Managers Off the Hook - NY Times

Preview: Retail Sales Probably Rose, Output Fell - Bloomberg
Obama sees signs of economic progess - Reuters
Staying Covered After a Layoff - Wash. Post
When an Economic Cure Fights Itself - Stein, NY Times
Green shoots and tea leaves - Krugman, NY Times

Chinese premier says economy improving - AP
Ireland is ECB's sacrifical lamb to satisfy Germans - Telegraph
China Must Make Yuan Convertible to Extend Influence - Bloomberg
The shoots of recovery look pale green at best - Guardian
China Loans, Money Supply Jump to Records on Stimulus - Bloomberg
Dubai emerges as big export market for Indian gold - Commodity Online
Toyota operating loss may hit $5 billion in 2009/10: report - AP
China's runaway steel train - Globe & Mail

Real Estate: Taking a look at pending home sales - Hometown Annapolis
First-time buyers a ray of sunshine in dismal housing market - Eagle Tribune
It's Now a Renter's Market - BusinessWeek
Hamptons, N.Y. Home Sales Plunge 67% in First Quarter - Bloomberg

Restore Order and Win a Financial War - Blinder, NY Times
North Carolina, Colorado Banks Shut as 2009 Failures Reach 23 - Bloomberg
Banking Luddites threaten to wreck the engine of recovery - Telegraph
U.S. budget deficit triples to $957 billion for year - MarketWatch

International Space Station Comes Together - USA Today
Some U.S. troops tempted by reconstruction cash - LA Times
Software That Monitors Your Work, Wherever You Are - NY Times



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