Monday morning moon shot green shoot!
Monday, May 04, 2009
This is, without a doubt, a very interesting way to begin a Monday morning...Warren Buffet warned about inflation over the weekend and there was more talk of buying by the Chinese, both of which have helped to send metal prices soaring - that green curve above looks like one of those credit market spreads from back in October.
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll find a way to bully it back down, for now...
Up another few dollars since you posted that. Maybe a whiff of the inflation to come as Buffet talked about over the weekend.
Gold may go up later this year or next if all this money printing has any effect, but once this bear market rally runs its course over the next couple weeks, deflation will rule the day and you'll see much lower gold prices.
Just my 2 cents!
Gold will stay in a well-controlled range until either:
1. The dollar collapses
2. The COMEX fails to deliver.
Then, explosion in gold price.
It's a little green shoot!
Now that's funny!
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