We're all traders now...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Is this where we're headed? Where companies that handle the retirement money for millions of Americans encourage their customers to "profit regardless of market direction"?
IMAGE It's hard to believe that people who don't know the difference between a mutual fund and Mutual of Omaha are going to be successfully trained to hedge their investment portfolios and short the market, but somebody is going to be making money on this new trend somehow.


Anonymous said...

Does Don Dixon, publisher of the Fidelity Investment ADviser newsletter, get to use the mailing list of the mutual find giant Fidelity? That would be just too much!

Tim said...

Apparently so... I have an account with Fidelity, they have my email address, and I never requested anything like this.

donna said...

Remember when we used to invest in companies that actually made stuff?

Ah, the good old days...

Anonymous said...

I fear this is a bad sign. Before long, people will just buy gold coins, put them in a tin box, and bury them in the back yard. Of course, if we make a speedy return to DOW 15,000, then all will be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

DOW 35,000. Believe it like Braniff!

albrt said...

"Before long, people will just buy gold coins, put them in a tin box, and bury them in the back yard."

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I mean, yeah, PVC pipe is better than a tin box, but on the whole not a bad strategy compared to, oh, hmmm...

everything else?

If you must be in a managed fund, give your money to Hussman. At least you'll be supporting a decent weekly blog column.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with Feedburner...AGAIN!!!!

Cant get teh RSS working.


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