Friday morning links

Friday, November 13, 2009

Banks to prepay FDIC for failures - Washington Post
Housing Agency’s Cash Reserves Down Sharply - NY Times
Fed takes aim at overdraft penalties - Washington Post
Recession Sparks Global Shoplifting Spree - Time
Quantitative Easing Has Been A Monetary Failure - Zero Hedge
G.M. Struggles to Shed a Legendary Bureaucracy - NY Times
The World's Biggest Gold Reserves - CNBC
The FHA's Bailout Warning - WSJ

Get these links delivered to your inbox every day.

Oil creeps above $77 amid US demand concerns - AP
Gold Heads for Weekly Gain on Weaker Dollar - Bloomberg
Warren Buffett: The financial panic is over - Reuters
Roubini Is Wrong About Dollar Carry Trade Going Bust - Business Insider
Weak Dollar Adding $20 to Oil: Exxon CEO - CNBC
Warren Buffett: The financial panic is over - Reuters

U.S. trade gap widens 18.2 percent in September - Reuters
Import prices rise 0.7% on energy goods - MarketWatch
Obama calls for White House summit on job creation - Washington Post
Parallels between US and Japanese economies - Credit Writedowns
Goodbye, Mr. TIPS? - Krugman, NY Times

Eurozone emerges from recession in 3rd quarter - AP
Dollar Overwhelms Central Banks From Brazil to Korea - Bloomberg
Hu Says China to ‘Vigorously’ Boost Consumer Demand - Bloomberg
The Other Side Of China's 8% GDP "Growth": Ghost Cities - Zero Hedge
China reportedly to create strategic coal reserve - MarketWatch
Morgan Stanley: The Aussie Dollar Is Wildly Overvalued - Business Insider
Rebuilding Its Economy, Iraq Shuns U.S. Businesses - NY Times
Yuan ‘Straitjacket’ Risks Inflating China Bubbles - Bloomberg
Blackouts Plague Energy-Rich Venezuela - NY Times

22 Percent of Florida Mortgages Non-Current - The Truth About Mortgage
FHA: "Too many homeowners not equipped for home ownership" - Calculated Risk
Housing Recovery 'Still In Uncharted Territory': HUD Secretary - CNBC
One Quarter of Homebuyers Want Foreclosures - Housing Wire

The Fed's Woody Allen Policy - Shelton, WSJ
Former bankers look to buy failing banks: report - Reuters
The Kanjorski “We’re Tough on TBTF” Headfake - Naked Capitalism
When banks use capital made of sand - Winkler, Reuters
Wall Street has to live with reactionary Fed - MarketWatch

Dog lost in Afghan battle returns - BBC
Food fight: Burger King franchisees sue chain - AP
Strange bedfellows: Jon Stewart and Patrick Byrne - Salmon, Rueters
Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Changes - LiveScience



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