Friday morning links

Friday, December 11, 2009

US House Nears Passage of Financial Rules Overhaul - CNBC
Goldman’s Curbs on Bonuses Aim to Quell Uproar - NY Times
Dems to lift debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion, fear 2010 backlash - Politico
House Democrat Ed Permlutter Has Lots Of Reasons To Support Big Banks - HuffPost
Are Food Stamps the Soup Lines of this Great Recession? - Washington's Blog
How buying a home is gambling - Salmon, Reuters
The peak-oil debate: 2020 vision - Economist
Auto bailout: 78% spent so far - CNN/Money

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Oil near $71 on weaker dollar, uptick in demand - AP
Gold lifted by easing dollar; U.S. data eyed - Reuters
Options Show S&P 500 Rally in Peril Amid Bearish Bets on VIX - Bloomberg
Forecasting the Permanent Decline in Global Petroleum Production - The Oil Drum
El-Erian: Investment advice for a complicated world - Fortune
Buttonwood: When good news is bad news - Economist

Retail sales data lift stock futures - Reuters
Americans Sour on Economy, Distrustful of Washington - CNBC
The Upper Class Will Not Pull The US Economy Out Of The Depression - Zero Hedge
Joblessness plan revamps rules on bank bailouts - Washington Post
Gov't Spending Is Like Tiger's Dating: Jim Rogers - CNBC

China’s Output Beats Estimates as Export Slide Slows - Bloomberg
The Treasury won't tell us the true cost of this debt disaster - Telegraph
Tankan May Show Japan’s Economic Recovery Is Stalling - Bloomberg
Bashing the rich is bad politics and rotten economics - Economist
Rooney: Ireland, Like Wall Street. Courted Excess - Bloomberg
Bank of Korea hikes outlook for next year - MarketWatch
Spain Says Adios to Xmas as 19% Jobless Hits Spending - Bloomberg
China slaps duties on U.S., Russian steel - Reuters

Foreclosure relief program is stuck in first - Washington Post
First Look: Inside The $75 Billion Plan to Save Housing - CNBC
Pushing 4M in 2009, November Foreclosure Filings Remain High, Pace Eases - RealtyTrac
Why many home-price measures may be misleading - MarketWatch
Signs Of Hope For Vegas Housing Market - Fox5Vegas

Bernanke’s Unfinished Mission - Krugman, NY Times
Bernanke Told to Fess Up, Renounce Flawed Greenspan Doctrine - Bloomberg
Pitchfork Watch: Vigilante Justice Against Banking Interests Rising? - Naked Capitalism
Do We Really Need a Systemic Regulator? - WSJ
Geithner defends AIG bailout - CNN/Money

Tiger is "Ready to Quit" - The Sun
Heavyweight Dodge Ram voted 'Truck of the Year' - CNN/Money
Slowing Expansion, Harvard Suspends Work on Tower - NY Times
Solar power coming to a store near you - AP



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