Blytic does real estate (and more)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
There's an interesting new website called Blytic that has all kinds of economic data for those who dabble in this sort of thing and, after speaking with its creator yesterday (who is also the author of the Paper Economy blog), it seemed like a good idea to share this chart with a somewhat surprising curve for home prices and give him a plug at the same time.
Shown below are the well known 20-City Case-Shiller Home Price Index (in blue) along with the less well known Radar Logic 25-city MSA Composite Index (in red) that appears to already be well into another leg down for property prices.Yes, the chart is a little blurry, but the neat thing is that you can click on the image above and you will be transported to a much larger interactive version of the same graphic at Blytic where you can fool with scaling and all sorts of other things via the options panel on the right. Apparently, some older browsers require a plug-in, but my versions of Firefox and MS Explorer interacted with the graphic immediately.
The latest Case-Shiller data will be released on Tuesday and there are more than a few people who think that the blue line in the chart will soon adopt the trend of the red line above it.

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