Wikinvest Wire

Oil and gold contest update #1

Friday, October 19, 2007

Despite what you hear on CNBC right now about plunging U.S. stocks, it was a good week for hard assets - oil was up 6 percent and gold rose 2 percent. Here's the anxiously awaited first update to the third semi-annual "Guess the year-end price of oil and gold" contest.
With the November WTI crude oil futures contract closing at $88.60 and the spot gold bid ending up at $763.60, this puts the Incredible, Inscrutable Chicken snuggled up closest to the little yellow marker above, followed by the Prudent Investor and Richards.

For a list of all 63 guesses and other titillating information about this contest, see last week's post Oil and gold guesses - the fun begins.

This chart will be updated about every two weeks until the end of the year and the winner receives a free one-year subscription to the investment website Iacono Research, where the model portfolio did a lot better than the U.S. stock market this week.

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Rob Dawg said...

My guess in the extreme lower left corner was Euros not dollars. DQ me if you like but I did this to make a larger point. 61/532 Euros is currently $87 oil and $759 gold. Pretty damn close to the current numbers.

Tim said...

I'll have a look and update as necessary - I wasn't paying close attention to the words that went along with the numbers.


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