Wikinvest Wire

Capitalism is dead!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This week's cartoon from The Economist:


Aaron Krowne said...

Long live capitalism!!!


Anonymous said...

Long live Kapitalism!

Brett Owens said...

Ha, fantastic cartoon!

Anonymous said...

let's get rid of the Federal Reserve and let real Capitalism flow. If we were to ever go back to our American principles of free market economy and rid ourselves of the monopolistic bankers all of our ills would be resolved.


Anonymous said...

we all need to learn the difference between Capitalism and Monopoly. The international Banking monopoly running the USA economy is not Capitalism, it is a racket.

Anonymous said...

The US has never been a "capitalist" country. There has always been some element of socialism in the government's policies. It is just nakedly apparent now that there is no shred of capitalism left.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these comments are not very well thought out. The underlying contradictions of capitalism will always lead to extreme poverty, concentration of wealth, imperialism, and dictatorship. It will always create monopolies. Study Marx. I suggest "Wage Labor and Capital"

Anonymous said...

The grand truth of life is that capitalism needs ever expanding markets to be successful. Smith's dead/hidden hand is the end of such expansion. Hence, boom and bust is part of the nature of capitalism. The bosses and the financiers know this, hence their looting of the system for the past decade or so. Everybody else gets screwed.

Anonymous said...

Hi. The Oct. 20 12:26 comment is also not very well thought out. Read Marx again. His is an empty argument which excludes human avarice and human reality. For there to be wage earners, there must be wage givers: The elite. The elite will always abuse their privileges, regardless the economic system. Our only hope is mass instantaneous enlightenment, which would doom us to eartly extinction.

Anonymous said...

WROOOOONG! KKKapitalism and KKKonsumerism has moved to China!

enjoy your police state meriKKKans... China will live high on the consumption hotrse for I'd say a decade or 2 and then whamo! the cycle will begin again!


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