Oil and gold contest update #1
Friday, October 31, 2008
Here it is - the anxiously awaited first update to the fifth semi-annual "Guess the price of oil and gold" contest. The yellow diamond indicates the current prices.Let's see, oil ended the week at about $68 a barrel, up about $4 for the week but down a whopping 33 percent for the month. October has been equally unkind to gold which closed at about $723 an ounce, down $7 for the week and 18 percent lower for the month.
Crude oil went below $62 earlier in the week and gold dipped below $700 at one point sometime in the last few weeks.
Were the October lows the bottom? We'll find out soon enough.
Current prices put FJ's guesses ($66, $713) closest with Cuba ($70, 701) not far behind. Dave, abhikush, and another Dave (Dave R) hold down the next three spots in the top five.
For a list of all 89 guesses and other titillating information about this contest, see this item from earlier in the week - Oil and gold guesses - the fun begins.
This chart will be updated about every two weeks over the next month or so and then weekly updates will commence. The winner receives a free one-year subscription to the companion investment website Iacono Research where the model portfolio had a good week, but has a rather large hole to dig out of.
To learn more about investing in natural resources using commonly traded ETFs, stocks, and mutual funds, see this description at Iacono Research. Or, sign up for a free trial.
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